如果晚上做梦到亲嘴 晚上睡觉老做梦是什么原因

时间:2023-06-15 14:44:30 版权说明:以下内容来自网友投稿,若有侵权请联系:259687886@qq.com 处理。




Dreaming of a kiss can be a ol of harmony and love. When someone dreams of being kissed, it often indicates something special they feel towards someone else, be it loving, respectful, or nostalgic. It can also indicate that the dreamer is going through an emotional journey and needs to be suorted by others. A kiss in a dream might also represent an awakening of true feelings, both towards oneself and others. It could also im a need for intimacy or a desire to be closer to someone.


Kissing in a dream is usually a reflection of one's inner feelings, it could mean joy and love, but it could also mean its oosite – anger, rejection or disaointment. To dream of kissing someone else can be a sign of physical or emotional attraction, and also could denote feelings of admiration and areciation. Dreaming of being kissed can also be a sign that the dreamer is connecting with their own inner needs, such as affection and security. Finally, a dream of being kissed could also point to a fear of being abandoned or neglected.
